Tools accessible to everyone
These tools and resources are available to anybody who is interested and wants to actively engage with FSC. You can access our e-training offer, participate in consultations, and get information on certifications and other specific topics.

Document Centre
Find all documents related to FSC’s standards, policies, and procedures.

Certificate Search
Access the latest information on FSC certificate holders. Search by licence code, certificate code, organization name, local name, or state/province licence code.

Consultation Platform
Provide input on FSC standards and policies being created or revised. The platform is open to anyone but requires registration.

E-Training Platform
Access online FSC training on a variety of topics. Most of the courses are free, but some options require payment. This training is open to anyone but requires registration.
Tools restricted to FSC partners
These tools and resources require that you are currently affiliated with FSC. They provide a space for easy collaboration between Members, Certification Bodies, Certificate Holders, and Auditors, among others and FSC.

Members’ Portal
For Members
Primary platform for information sharing and collaboration among FSC members.

Events Portal
For Members
Provides registration, planning, and logistics information for in-person and online events.

GA Voting App
For Members
Web and mobile app that enables members to vote on motions and strategic issues.

Digital Audit Reporting
Certification bodies
Digital template for capturing data, reporting, and managing audits from forest management evaluations.

GIS Platform
Certification bodies
Application that provides spatial forest-relevant information and satellite imagery to calculate and highlight the dynamics of certified forest areas.

FSC Trace
Certificate holders
Using blockchain technology, FSC Trace provides secure records of transactions between FSC certificate holders to reduce errors and help eliminate false claims.

Certificate administration
Certificate holders
Facilitates the signature of FSC trademark licence agreements and communicates any updates to certification requirements.

E-Commerce labelling
Certificate holders & promotional licence holders
Enables the affiliation to sustainability programs and the upload of certificate-related data to promote FSC-certified products online.

Trademark Portal
Certificate holders & promotional licence holders
Provides access to the FSC trademarks, including on-product labels or promotional panels, and certificate status watch.

CB Trademark Resources
Certification bodies
Documents and resources accessible to FSC-accredited CBs. The documents contain business information and guidance on the use of FSC Trademarks.

Marketing Toolkit
Certificate holders & promotional licence holders
Helps FSC certificate and licence holders promote their association with FSC.