Distribution of FSC-certified Forests

FSC-certified forests are distributed all over the world. FSC has been collecting maps of certified operations, while understanding the different conditions experienced by different forest managers and respecting the confidentiality of some of this data.


Motion 61/2021 – FSC Certified Area Submittal

Motion 61/2021 requires Forest Management Certificate Holders’ (CHs) to provide the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) International with digital boundaries of their certified lands, so that FSC International can maintain an internal map of all FSC-certified areas. This internal map will be private and only accessible to FSC International, though certificate holders can consent to their land boundaries being displayed on a public map (see below) that will be available in 2025. The solution for Motion 61/2021 is the FSC Certified Area Submittal. This is a web application where certificate holders can upload their FSC certified area in a zipped shapefile format for submission to FSC.

The Motion 61/2021 will be regulated by an upcoming Advice Note to outline more specifications. 

Map of FSC-certified lands

Public version of the map coming in 2025.

Our interactive web maps make it easy to identify and visualize data relating to important aspects of the FSC system such as certified lands, international members and regional presence. 


Contribute to the map

We currently have a beta version of the map available and are inviting stakeholders to provide feedback on the map to help identify user improvements where needed. If you wish to contribute to the testing of the map with your certified locations, please contact us at maps@fsc.org to get an invitation with your login data. Note that all data uploaded is confidential and will not be shared further without specified consent. 



  1. What is the primary purpose of the map?

    FSC, our certificate holders and stakeholders all value transparency. The map makes it possible for FSC certified forest owners to show where their forests are, and for stakeholders, researchers and consumers around the globe to access this information.

  2. Will original map files (shape files) be shared?

    No, we cannot provide original shape files. Nor will the map allow for any data to be downloadable.

  3. Will the map depict all FSC-certified areas?

    No. Publicly displaying geolocation data is voluntary for forest owners and as a result the platform will not include all certified forests globally; but FSC will have an internal map of certified area. 

  4. I have a certified forest. How can I contribute to the map?

    We would love to include your certified forest. Contact us at maps@fsc.org for more information and to participate in the process. 

  5. Will other forest elements be presented on the map (HCVs, local communities, etc.)? Will other maps be provided?

    Adding different elements on the existing and future maps will be possible, depending on the data available and the usefulness to the public audience. Please subscribe to the FSC newsletter to keep up to date with new elements or tools that become available.

  6. Will chain of custody (CoC) certified companies’ locations be included?

    FSC is mainly focused on Forest Management Certification during this phase. 

  7. How can I report concerns related to activities in a certified forest?

    If you have concerns about a certified operation, please address the certification body that issued the certificate (this information will be available on info.fsc.org), who will undertake an investigation of the complaint.

    If you have concerns about the operation of the FSC certification system itself, the FSC network, the FSC accreditation programme or the performance of FSC-accredited certification bodies, please use the online reporting form provided by FSC and available at this link, where you will also find more information about the FSC dispute resolution system.