GIS map
Our interactive GIS maps make it easy to identify and visualize data relating to important aspects of the FSC system such as certified forests, international membership and regional presence.
Become a member
Are you ready to help change how forests are cared for around the world? Through our governance model, FSC members have real influence.
I know that there are many more FSC members in my country than what is presented on the map. Why are they not all represented on the map?
The map only shows international FSC members, and not members of FSC national organizations. To learn more about the membership, please follow this link.
Why are there more members in the economic chamber than members in other chambers?
FSC membership is voluntarily and depends on the interest of a member. All FSC chambers (economic, environmental and social) have an equal say when it comes to making decisions, which is not affected by the number of members representing any particular chamber.
I’m certified. Why can I not see myself on the list of members?
FSC certification and FSC membership are two separate concepts. Obtaining FSC certification does not mean obtaining membership, and vice versa.