The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations from smallholders in plantations in Ethiopia, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-3. All standards are valid until replaced by a new FSC Forest Stewardship Standard.
El presente documento contiene los requisitos de certificación para las operaciones forestales en plantaciones con pequeños agricultores en Panamá, desarrollados de acuerdo con los documentos normativos del FSC para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de los Estándares de Manejo Forestal responsable.FSC Las modificaciones de los Estándares de Manejo Forestal Responsable FSC están en curso, y todos los estándares existentes se transferirán a los Principios y Criterios revisados de la versión 5-2. Todos los estándares son válidos hasta que sean reemplazados por un nuevo Estándar de Manejo Forestal Responsable FSC.
El presente documento fue desarrollado de acuerdo con los documentos normativos del FSC para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de los Estándares de Manejo Forestal. Contiene requisitos de certificación para todas las operaciones forestales en España, incluidos los bosques pequeños y/o manejados con baja intensidad. Las revisiones de los Estándares de Manejo Forestal están en curso, y todos los estándares existentes se transferirán a los Principios y Criterios revisados de la versión 5-2. Todos los estándares son válidos hasta que sean reemplazados por un nuevo Estándar de Manejo Forestal.
The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations in Austria, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-2. All standards are valid until replaced by a new FSC Forest Stewardship Standard.
The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations from smallholders in plantations in Argentina, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-3. All standards are valid until replaced by a new FSC Forest Stewardship Standard.
There is a new revised version of this standard, not yet effective. To open the newest standard for the Russian Federation, please click here . The present document was developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of Forest Stewardship Standards. It contains certification requirements for all forest operations in the Russian Federation, including small and low-intensity managed forests. Revisions of Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-2. All standards are valid until replaced by a new Forest Stewardship Standard.
The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations from smallholders in plantations in Ireland, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-2. All standards are valid until replaced by a new FSC Forest Stewardship Standard.
The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations in Paraguay, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of FSC Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-2. All standards are valid until replaced by a new FSC Forest Stewardship Standard.
The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations in Belgium, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-2. All standards are valid until replaced by a new Forest Stewardship Standard.
The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations in Cuba, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-2. All standards are valid until replaced by a new Forest Stewardship Standard.
(61 results)
ES_FSC Green Paper on Conversion_September 2020.pdf
2023.10 Nuevos Miembros ES - FSC Internacional.pdf
Risk Assessment Template_ES.xlsm
ES_FSC-PRO-60-006b V2-0 D2-0_Anexo 3_Plantilla para evaluacion de riesgos.xlsx
2024.04 Nuevos miembros ES - FSC Internacional.pdf
ESP_FSC statement_FSC One Remedy Framework_Jan 2022.pdf
2024.05 Nuevos miembros ES - FSC Internacional.pdf