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Yayasan Auriga Nusantara filed a Policy for Association complaint against PT. Bukit Muria Jaya alleging unacceptable activity ā€˜Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest useā€™ by PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya and PT. Silva Rimba Lestari.Ā While the conversion was confirmed by independent GIS data analysis, the Djarum Group terminated the FSC certificate of PT. Bukit Muira Jaya targeted in the complaint, and therefore ended its association with FSC.


A summary of steps taken and outcomes in the case to date.

April 2023

Conclusions of the independent expert GIS evaluation suggest significant conversion occurred between 2013 and 2018 by PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya and PT. Silva Rimba Lestari, which is disputed by Djarum Group. Due to DjarumĀ“s self-termination of their FSC certification, the Policy for Association case is closed. If Djarum Group seeks to associate with FSC in the future, the FSC Remedy Framework will be applied to address and remedy the harms caused.

September 2021

The certificate holder has withdrawn its certificate in December 2020, thus terminating its association with FSC.  FSC has conducted a proactive independent evaluation of the complainant allegations between 2013 and 2018 and is reviewing the conclusions.

June 2020

Investigation is placed on hold due to resource and travel restrictions resulting from COVID-19 crisis.

February 2020

FSC accepts complaint and informs parties that it will proceed using an alternative approach. Rather than a formal complaints panel, a GIS expert(s) will be hired to independently assess the scale of conversion conducted in PT Fajar Surya Sawadaya and PT Silva Rimba Lestari in the past 5 years (2015-2019).

December 2019

Policy for Association complaint against Djarum Group is filed by Auriga.