The objective of this Procedure is to provide a clear and unambiguous methodology to develop, review, and revise all normative documents in the FSC Normative Framework in order to promote stability and predictability within the FSC system.
This procedure specifies requirements for training auditor candidates and auditors to qualify or further qualify them to audit against FSC's scopes of certification (‘FSC scopes'). The objectives of this procedure are: 1) to ensure a professional implementation of the FSC Training Programme 2) to define the general content and duration of courses for an initial training on FSC (one component of the FSC Training Programme).
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Forest Stewardship Standards already require forest managers to maintain/conserve or enhance/restore ecosystem services and environmental values. They also require the managers of FSC-certified forests to identify, produce, or enable the production of diversified benefits and/ or products based on the range of resources and ecosystem services existing in the management unit. The procedure offers a framework for verifying impacts and approving FSC ecosystem services claims that can be used by forest managers to access ecosystem services markets and/or other benefits. It set out the requirements for FSC-certified forest managers to credibly demonstrate the impact of their activities on the maintenance, conservation, restoration or enhancement of ecosystem services.
El objetivo de este procedimiento es ofrecer una metodología clara, transparente e inequívoca para desarrollar, mantener, modificar, valorar y aprobar Evaluaciones Nacionales de Riesgos (ENR) FSC para Madera Controlada FSC. El procedimiento contiene los requisitos para el proceso de desarrollo de una Evaluación Nacional de Riesgos, mientras que los requisitos para las evaluaciones de riesgos están incluidos en el apéndice a un procedimiento FSC-PRO-60-002a: Marco FSC para las Evaluaciones Nacionales de Riesgos.
The objective of this document is to provide the procedures for the calculation of the financial penalty/compensation fee and the process for blocked organizations to contest their blocked status in response to false claims.
This procedure is not subject to the rules and regulations outlined in FSC-PRO-01-001."
The objective of this procedure is to provide requirements to ensure consistent and robust assessment of risks for sourcing material from certain supply areas
This addendum lists temporary derogations for the use of pesticides that are considered by FSC to be ‘highly hazardous'. These derogations have been individually approved by the FSC Pesticides Committee on behalf of the FSC Board of Directors. Derogations have been approved only when all the requirements of the Pesticides Derogation Procedure were met. They include strict conditions to be fulfilled by the certificate holders during the derogation period. Derogations are approved for the smallest applicable geographical scope. The derogations listed below are not valid for national use. The rationale for establishing such a list is to provide an overview of derogations used at global level.
This document describes the process used by FSC to screen individuals and organizations applying for association with FSC for conformance with the Policy for Association. The intention of the procedure is to reduce the risk of establishing or maintaining association with an organization in violation of the Policy for Association and its corporate group. This document describes the process used by FSC to screen individuals and organizations applying for association with FSC for conformance with the Policy for Association. The intention of the procedure is to reduce the risk of establishing or maintaining association with an organization in violation of the Policy for Association and its corporate group.
The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations in New Caledonia- Loyalty Islands Province, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-2. All standards are valid until replaced by a new Forest Stewardship Standard.
The present document contains certification requirements for certifying forest operations in Gabon, developed in accordance with FSC's normative document for the development and maintenance of Forest Stewardship Standards. Revisions of Forest Stewardship Standards are ongoing, and all existing standards will be transferred to the revised Principles & Criteria version 5-2. All standards are valid until replaced by a new Forest Stewardship Standard.
(74 results)
ES_FSC Green Paper on Conversion_September 2020.pdf
Template for developing a wood sourcing guide
Risk Assessment Template_ES.xlsm
2023.10 Nuevos Miembros ES - FSC Internacional.pdf
2024.04 Nuevos miembros ES - FSC Internacional.pdf
ES_FSC-PRO-60-006b V2-0 D2-0_Anexo 3_Plantilla para evaluacion de riesgos.xlsx
ESP_FSC statement_FSC One Remedy Framework_Jan 2022.pdf
2024.05 Nuevos miembros ES - FSC Internacional.pdf
Manuales de usuario
Consulte los manuales de usuario de varias de nuestras herramientas. Le ayudarán a desenvolverse en las diferentes plataformas, a resolver problemas comunes y a guiarle en cada paso del proceso.
Una guía breve para ayudarle a iniciar el proceso de firma del Contrato de Licencia de Marcas Registradas electrónico (TLA-e) para el esquema de certificación FSC.
Esta guía del usuario proporciona instrucciones paso a paso - sobre cómo completar el proceso de FSC Check - a organizaciones e individuos que quieran unirse (o reincorporarse) al sistema FSC, ya sea como titular de un certificado o como miembro.
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