Pesticides strictly regulated
The use of pesticides and pest management in the forestry industry is a subject of widespread debate.
For FSC, having a clear pesticides policy, and keeping it up to date with changing global circumstances and new technologies, is essential.
In short, our pesticides policy outlines our commitment to ensure that:
- the use of highly hazardous pesticides (HHP) in FSC-certified forests is reduced and managed responsibly when there is no alternative
- the use of the most hazardous chemical pesticides is eliminated
The policy is reviewed regularly, and takes into account both global differences and social, environmental and economic needs via a procedure that is transparent and monitored.
Pesticides Policy
FSC-POL-30-001 V3-0 EN
The FSC Pesticides Policy lays out FSC’s position for managing the use of chemical pesticides in FSC-certified management units in consistency with Criterion 10.7 of FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2 FSC Principles and Criteria, which requires, inter alia, the use of integrated pest management.
Download the document here: Document | FSC Connect
Read the FAQs about the Policy here.
Lists of highly hazardous pesticides
FSC-POL-30-001a EN
This addendum lists chemical pesticides that meet the indicators and thresholds set out in Annex 1 of FSC-POL-30-001 V3-0 FSC Pesticides Policy, and therefore are considered to be highly hazardous in the FSC system and classifies them as prohibited, highly restricted or restricted.
Find the document here: Document | FSC Connect