FSC at a glance

Certification Resources
Take a deep dive into all the different types of certification FSC offers. Find resources to help you navigate the certification process and discover how the certification system works.

System Integrity
Being part of FSC means striving for better: not just a green tick, but a shared commitment across all operations to protect forests for future generations. That’s why we take action if anyone connected to FSC is...

Innovation for Sustainability
FSC aims to continuously innovate and improve. We're continuously leveraging the power of new technologies to empower forest stakeholders and growing markets to achieve sustainable forest management.
The best way to move forward and improve our system is through collaboration. If you have identified the need for a new normative document, the revision of an old one, have spotted an activity out of the ordinary, or simply want to participate thought the revision and/or investigation process, please reach out to us.

Contribute to consultations to make the FSC system more accessible.
Tools accessible to everyone
These tools and resources are available to anybody who is interested and wants to actively engage with FSC. You can access our e-training offer, participate in consultations, and get information on certifications and other specific topics.

Document Centre
Find all documents related to FSC’s standards, policies, and procedures.
Certificate Search
Access the latest information on FSC certificate holders. Search by licence code, certificate code, organization name, local name, or state/province licence code.
Consultation Platform
Provide input on FSC standards and policies being created or revised. The platform is open to anyone but requires registration.
E-Training Platform
Access online FSC training on a variety of topics. Most of the courses are free, but some options require payment. This training is open to anyone but requires registration.
How to...?
Take a look at our array of resources to help you navigate our different tools and platforms. We addressed the most common use cases, frequently asked questions and tooltips that will guide you through each step of the process.
How to log in
Use your FSC Connect account to log in to FSC Connect and access all your tools, content and data.
If this is your first time accessing FSC Connect, you must first activate your account. Check your inbox and/or spam folder for our email invitation to activate your FSC Connect account.
Log in and collaborate now!