Milan Reska
FSC forest management certification confirms that the forest is being managed in a way that preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of local people and workers, while ensuring it sustains economic viability.

We are building pathways for small-scale and community forests to achieve certification on multiple fronts; by adapting our regulatory framework and creating optimal market conditions. FSC is a responsible forest certification system with international credibility, which we have worked with small-scale and community forest owners to make more applicable and less costly. We are doing this through pilot testing, development and revisions of the standard framework and proof of concept.

iStock.com / agnormark
FSC chain of custody certification provides a credible assurance that products which are sold with an FSC claim originate from well-managed forests, controlled sources, or reclaimed materials.

FSC has established a certification system that requires the support of several third-party actors to operate it on the ground, maintain independence and integrity, and ultimately ensure sustainable management of the world’s forests.

The annual administration fee (AAF) is a fee charged by FSC to accredited certification bodies. The AAF for chain of custody certification is calculated according to the AAF policy using the value of certificate holders’ forest products turnover in the certification body’s portfolio.
The majority of FSC’s income comes from the AAF and is used to fund FSC’s activities. As such, the AAF is a vital contributor to achieving FSC’s mission of Forests for All Forever.

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