Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Ltd. Group (APRIL)
FSC disassociated from APRIL in August 2013. For more information about APRIL’s Policy for Association related case, click here.
In November 2023, APRIL and FSC signed a remedy framework agreement, according to Chapter 3, section 2.1 of the FSC Remedy Framework, that initiated the implementation of APRIL’s remedy process.
The entities in APRIL's corporate group will become eligible for certification and association only after the completion and verification of the remedy process.
Corporate group review
The entities in the corporate group with verified Policy for Association (PfA) violations shall implement the full Remedy Framework (FSC-PRO-01-007). All other organizations shall fulfill the requirements of chapters 1 and 2 of the FSC Remedy Framework. The identification of these entities will be updated periodically through PfA conformance assessments. Refer to Annex 4 of the FSC Remedy Framework (FSC-PRO-01-007) for more information.

For the complete list of organizations found within the scope of the corporate group for the purpose of the FSC Remedy Framework, click here.
Note: This corporate group structure and the complete list of companies in the corporate group is subject to confirmation by the third party verifier.
Process outline

The verified reports pertaining to each stage of the remedy process will be available below, when the verification of each stage is completed.
Process updates
Grievance mechanism
Stakeholders and rights holders can submit their concerns pertaining to the FSC Remedy Framework here: grievance.remedy@aprilasia.com
Note: The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) compliant grievance mechanism has not yet been verified by the third party verifier.
Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC): Policies and procedures
RGE's sustainability policy: https://www.rgei.com/sustainability/sustainability-policy
APRIL's sustainable forest management policy 2.0: https://www.aprilasia.com/en/sustainability/sustainability-policy
APRIL's sustainability policies:
- Human rights: https://www.aprilasia.com/en/sustainability/sustainability-policy/human-rights-policy
- Integrity and ethics: https://www.aprilasia.com/en/sustainability/sustainability-policy/integrity-and-ethics-policy
- Wood and fibre sourcing: https://www.aprilasia.com/en/sustainability/sustainability-policy/wood-and-fibre-sourcing-policy
Note: The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) compliant FPIC policies and procedures have not yet been verified by the third party verifier.