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Normative Documents

As a result of this accelerated process, and in accordance with FSC-PRO-01-001 The Development and Revision of FSC requirements, an advice note will be developed. This advice note will be compiled under FSC-DIR-20-007 FSC Directive on Forest Management Evaluations.


Motion 61/2021: Compile a digital map of FSC certified forests worldwide, approved at the General Assembly 2021-2022 requests FSC to “compile a digital map of FSC-certified forests worldwide”.

According to Motion 61/2021: “... Forest Management Certificate Holders (CHs) shall be required to provide FSC International with digital shapefiles of their certified lands, so that FSC International may maintain an internal map of all FSC-certified forests. The only data required will be the name of the Certificate Holder, the certificate code, the name of the Certification Body, and the boundaries of the certified area.”

The motion requests special measures to accommodate for smallholders with limited technological capacity.

Process Objective

Develop normative requirements to implement Motion 61/2021.

Technical Working Group

Internal FSC staff comprise the Technical Working Group for this accelerated process.

Get involved

You can stay informed of the developments on this process by staying tuned to this process page and by participating in consultations and webinars.


August, 2024

13 August: Composition of Technical Working Group for developing the advice note on Motion 61 is approved by Director General.

October, 2022

9-14 October: Motion 61/2021: Compile a digital map of FSC certified forests worldwide is approved at the General Assembly 2021-2022.

Copy of Motion 61.pdf
PDF, Size: 81.21KB