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Developing Guidance for High Conservation Values (HCV) 


FSC-GUI-30-009 V1-0 & FSC-GUI-60 009 V1-0 D1-2



Start Date

3 May 2016


FSC is developing guidance for different stakeholders, including Standard Development Groups (SDGs) and forest managers, on how to interpret Principle 9. The guidance will give advice to identify, assess, maintain, enhance, and monitor HCVs, including intact forest landscapes.

Expected outputs
  1. HCV Guidance for forest managers for managing and maintaining HCV’s in FSC certified forests.
  2. SDG Guidance for Standard Development Groups (SDGs) to develop national HCV Frameworks.
  3. HCV Framework's template to be filled by the Standard Developers for developing national interpretation of HCVs.
  4. IFL Guidance for forest managers for managingi Intact Forest Landscapes (IFLs) while respecting Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in FSC certified forests.
Technical Writer

John Cathro, Canada 

Working Group

Seven working group members comprise the high conservation values, technical working group

  • Cynthia Lu Chin, WWF, Malaysia
  • Pablo I. Ramirez de Arellano, ARAUCO, Chile
  • Mikhail Karpachevskiy, Transparent World, Russia
  • Chris Wedeles, National Standard Development Group, consultant, Canada
  • Daniel Hall, Guide Environmental, USA
  • Rosanne Van Schie, Forest Conservation and Economic Development Advisor Wolf Lake First Nation, Canada
  • Isabel Garcia Drigo, Lead Assessor Rainforest Alliance, Brazil
External Experts

Two technical experts support the technical working group:

  • Pamela Perreault, FSC Canada, Canada
  • Anders Lindhe, HCV RN, Sweden


January 2020
Guidance for High Conservation Values (HCVs) published and effective
August 2019
FSC Board of Directors approves four documents with Guidance for High Conservation Values (HCVs)
18 - 22 June 2018
HCV Technical Working Group fifth meeting in Bonn (Germany)
7 November 2017- 5 January 2018
Public consultation on the draft of HCV Guidance for Standard Development Groups: Developing National High Conservation Value Frameworks.
11 October 2017
Side event at the General Assembly in Vancouver: Can P3+P9 co-exist? Towards a better understanding of FPIC and HCV.
4 - 8 September 2017
HCV Technical Working Group fourth meeting in Lisbon (Portugal).
February 2017
HCV Technical Working Group third meeting in Bonn (Germany).
3 May - 9 July 2016
The revised draft of the HCV Manager's Guide and the IFL indicators are open for public consultation.
July 2016
HCV Technical Working Group second meeting in Bonn (Germany).
October 2015
HCV Technical Working Group kick off meeting in Bonn (Germany).
18 March 2015
Terms of Reference HCV Technical Working Group.