Revision of FSC Product Classification
FSC-STD-40-004a FSC Product Classification Addendum
The FSC product classification (FSC-STD-40-004a) V2-1 is an addendum to the FSC Chain of Custody standard that provides the English nomenclatures and codes that certificate holders shall use to classify their product group/types.
The purpose of this revision process is to update the FSC product classifications.
The revision will focus on the following objectives:
Explore whether an overall more fundamental revision of the product classification system is needed and identify relevant options, opportunities, and risks;
Align product group definitions, product types, product classifications within the normative framework and reflect industry terminology and language;
Clarify existing terms and definitions (i.e., laminated vs melamine or wood fiber fleece vs wood wool, plank vs beam vs batten etc.);
Add new product classification categories for new and growing FSC products (i.e., textiles, biofuels, services);
Avoid and reduce unnecessary product classification proliferation and variance;
Include clear guidance on how to use and apply the product classification to allow for consistent application and remove ambiguity;
César Gonçalves,
Jing Wen, Value Chain Development Manager, FSC International
Michael Marus, Chief Information Officer and Director of IT, FSC International
Jenna Mueller, Chain of Custody & Trademark Senior Manager , FSC US
Sebastian Hetsch, FSC COC Manager, TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o.
Focused consultation on the FSC-STD-40-004a Product Classification V3-0 D1-0 was conducted from 17 May to 1 July 2023. Stakeholders were invited to provide comments and feedback via the FSC Consultation Platform.
First meeting of the technical working group
All stakeholders were invited to comment on the review report on FSC-STD-40-004a FSC Product Classification.
The deadline for commenting was 24 March 2021.