- FSC-STD-60-006 V1-2 Process Requirements for the development and maintenance of National Forest Stewardship Standards;
- FSC STD-60-002 V1-0 Structure and Content of National Forest Stewardship Standards;
- FSC-PRO-60-006 V2-0 Development and Transfer of National Forest Stewardship Standards to the FSC Principles and Criteria Version 5-1, and
- FSC-PRO-60-007 V1-2 Structure, Content and Development of Interim National Standards
- FSC-PRO-60-002 V3-0 The Development and Approval of FSC® National Risk Assessments.
The period of validity for all four documents has expired. Several factors and processes drive the revision of these requirements, including FSC Global Strategy and the current requirements for the revision of normative documents. The FSC Global Strategy requires outcome orientation, streamlining and data driven approach to be incorporated in the requirements for FSS development. Additionally, in the regular review process the Performance and Standards Unit (PSU), the Forest Management Community (FMC) and other stakeholders have found around 53 specific issues to be revised, e.g. inconsistency, redundancy and lack of clarity in the requirements for Forest Stewardship Standards.
During preparation for the revision process, PSU team has further identified the opportunity to merge process requirements for the development and maintenance of FSS with process requirements for the development and maintenance of FSC Risk Assessments (the content requirements for FSC RAs are included in the FSC-PRO-60-006b, which was published on 1 July 2024). PSU presented the concept and results of a feasibility exercise to the Policy Steering Group (PSG), which supported merger of process requirements for developing and maintaining FSC FSS with the requirements under procedure FSC-PRO-60-002 for FSC RAs. As a result, starting in 2023, the revision process includes FSC-PRO-60-002 requirements in its scope.
The objectives of the revision process are to:
- improve the quality of the FSC Country Requirements, their relevance, understandability, completeness, simplicity, user-friendliness and consistency with other applicable requirements within the FSC normative framework;
- incorporate outcome orientation (including monitoring and evaluation as well as data requirement) in FSC Country Requirements processes; and
- increase the efficiency, quality, and reliability of the processes for the development and maintenance of FSC Country Requirements.
Nicolás Mesía Rojas, country_requirements@fsc.org
Fernanda Rodrigues, Brazilian Forests Dialogue
Aidas Pivoriūnas, FSC Lithuania
Yadid Ordoñez, FSC Latin America
Owen Davies, Independent Consultant
You can stay informed of the developments on this revision process by staying tuned to this process page and by participating in consultations and webinars.
Register here to stay informed and participate in the revision process.
30-days focused conceptual consultation on the revision process.
Policy Steering Group (PSG), supported the merger of process requirements for developing and maintaining FSC FSS with FSC-PRO-60-002 V3-0, considering both detailed process requirements for local adaptations of international FSC requirements. See amended Terms of Reference (ToRs) here.
Kick-off meeting of the revision process and first TWG intensive meeting are held.
FSC launched a call for applicants for technical working group members.
The FSC Board of Directors approves the full revision of four normative documents through a technical working group.
The Policy and Standards Committee agrees with the recommendations of review report and supports revision.
Review report draft 1-0 for 30 days public consultation in FSC Consultation Platform from September 13 to 12 October 2021.
Internal stakeholder review for preparation of review report and identification of alignment needs.