The event

This business fair is organized every two years in Nantes (France) by professionals for professionals. Sawmills, panels, parquet flooring, specialized retailers, wood construction solutions... and major players in forest management will be present. The 2022 edition, in which FSC had already participated with a booth, brought together more than 600 exhibitors from 40 different countries and from all wood-based sectors and 14 000 visitors (+20% in comparison with 2018).
It’s a place to exchange information about the market, the latest tendencies, new products, etc, through 4 thematic halls, as well as conferences, pitches and other activities.
As more and more players in the construction and timber sector adopt a more responsible sourcing approach, FSC is taking the opportunity to participate in this major event to increase the visibility of FSC certification among these industries, and the understanding of its benefits.
FSC will be represented by teams from FSC France, FSC Netherlands, FSC Africa and FSC International, who will be happy to meet with interested parties, present the advantages of the certification to French, European and international players, its value to the construction sector and answer any questions.
The diverse profiles of the FSC teams will enable you to discuss a wide range of subjects such as: traceability, the new EUDR regulation, ecosystem services, timber species, etc.
Meet us
Come and meet the FSC teams on our booth made entirely of certified wood: M-A6, Construction Sector, Mezzanine.
Throughout the Carrefour International du Bois 2024, FSC will be organizing several exciting events (further information to follow):
- A business matching event focusing on tropical timber will take place on Tuesday May 28, from 2:30 to 4:00 pm in the Canopée 2 room.
The aim of this event to create a platform for businesses along the tropical timber value chain that are committed to sourcing FSC, to meet, enhance existing business relationships and establish new ones.
This event is open to wood suppliers (primary or processed wood), importers and distributors, and end users, on registration and after examination of the application.
If you are interested, please contact: t.hennekes@nl.fsc.org.
- Four thematic events will also be held on the FSC booth, covering the following four regions: Africa, Latin America, Europe Southeast Asia.
Wednesday May 29:
2pm - 3pm: Europe
5pm - 6pm: Africa
Thursday May 30:
11am - 12pm: Asia
13h - 14h: Latin America
You will be able to attend presentations by companies (manufacturers, timber merchants) and certified forest managers, who will talk about their commitment to FSC, such as ATIBT, Confloresta and Rainforest Alliance, and discuss with FSC teams.
- FSC will also be giving short presentations in the Pitch area (located in Hall 1).
Join Guillaume Dahringer (FSC France) on Wednesday May 29 at 3:40 pm for the pitch "Building with certified wood - Why and how to promote your commitments with FSC" to find out more about FSC certification in the construction sector.
Join Annerieke Sleurink (FSC Netherlands) on Thursday May 30 at 10:30 am, for the pitch “Opportunities for companies with FSC verified impact - Presentation of ES projects in tropics (Congo Basin, Indonesia, Brazil)" to discover the benefits for companies of investing in ecosystem services preservation projects with FSC.
If you have any questions or would like to meet us during the event, please contact: m.verquere@fr.fsc.org.
Information in French on our participation is available here.