Processes Around the World to Increase FSC's Impact for Community and Family Forests

This standard revision is looking at small and low-intensity managed forests (SLIMF) to expand the scope and include all uses of the SLIMF concept to improve consistency and transparency.

Asia Pacific Regional Standard
Throughout the Asia-Pacific region, many thousands of smallholders with very small pockets of land predominate. People generally have limited access to education, and there is a high level of poverty. They may...

Smallholder Pilot Test in USA
This pilot is based in the Southern and Central Appalachian region of the United States, where more than half of the forest land is owned by private landowners, with 39 million hectares of forests of less than...

Groups Standard
FSC has developed a Forest Management Groups Standard to allow organizations to join together to form a single "group" and share costs.

Continuous Improvement Procedure
This procedure, currently under development, will allow a gradual approach to certification.

National Standards
FSC has developed criteria for national standard developers to incorporate into their national standards and help streamline certification requirements for community and family forests