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Normative Document

FSC-PRO-30-006 Ecosystem Services Procedure: Impact Demonstration and Market Tools


This procedure set out the requirements for FSC-certified forest managers to credibly demonstrate the impact of their activities on the maintenance, conservation, restoration or enhancement of ecosystem services, providing them with improved access to ecosystem services markets through the use of FSC ecosystem services claims.

Process Objectives

Key objectives of this revision process are:

  • Streamline the procedure to ease implementation and accelerate demand.
  • Make it more comprehensive, while increasing clarity and simplicity.
  • Lower the costs and make it easier to access, in particular for smallholders and communities.
  • Facilitate and enable further impacts and quantitative measurements for the impact demonstration while enhancing qualitative approaches.
Technical Working Group
  • Wesley Snell, ETIFOR (Economic)
  • Jens Kanstrup, Forest of the World (Environmental)
  • Alan Smith, Individual (Social)
  • Ana Vaz, NBI - Natural Business Intelligence & CIBIO - Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources of the University of Porto (technical expert)
  • Rachele Perazzolo, FSC Italy (technical expert)
  • Carlos Paixao, Independent consultant (technical expert)
Get involved

Register for Consultative Forum here. By registering you are agreeing to the Privacy Statement (found below on this page).  


July 2024

FSC hosted the fourth face-to-face meetings with the technical working group in Aarhus, Denmark (2-5 July)

10 April - 9 June 2024
Second public consultation of the FSC-PRO-30-006 V2-0 D2-0 Ecosystem Services Procedure

The second public consultation is open between 10 April to 9 June 2024 and will be used to collect stakeholders’ feedback on a series of questions regarding Draft 2-0 of the procedure. FSC encourages all interested stakeholders to participate and provide their feedback during this period. Consultation translated into Spanish and French.


February 2024
Call for Participants: Desk Test of the Ecosystem Services Procedure

We're seeking participants for the desk test of ES PRO. This is a valuable opportunity to contribute to the improvement of Draft 2-0 by providing feedback on its clarity, coherence, and feasibility. Participants can be FM certificate holders, CH managing SLIMF or community forests, project developers, sponsors, certification bodies, FSC Trademark Service Providers. Participants are encouraged to review the information below (1) Terms of Reference, (2) Application Form and, (3) Privacy StatementParticipation takes place on a voluntary and unpaid basis.

Submit your application by filling in the Application Form and sending it to Francesco Patiño, Policy Manager, at

FSC will keep the call for applicants open until the desired number of selected participants has been reached.

The desk test will take place during the second public consultation of the revised Draft of the ES PRO (expected dates April – May 2024).

January 2024

FSC hosted the third face-to-face meetings with the technical working group in Bonn, Germany (16-19 January)

November 2023

​​​​​​The Policy Steering Group approves the new technical working group member.

October 2023
Call for Applicants for the Working Group revising the Ecosystem Services Procedure

Due to a vacancy in the technical working group revising the Procedure, we are looking for applicants with expertise in carbon project development and carbon finance. Please find below (1) the application form, which includes all technical and other skills we are looking for (e.g., knowledge of the FSC system, results-based payments, soft skills, etc.); (2) the Terms of Reference V1-2 and (3) the Privacy Statement for working group members. The call for applicants is open until 31 October 2023.

June 2023

FSC hosted the second face-to-face meeting with the technical working group in Lisbon, Portugal (13-16 June).  

January 24 & February 21, 2023
Webinars for first public consultation

FSC invites all interested stakeholders to attend explanatory webinars about ongoing public consultation of the draft procedure. The webinar presentation can be found here.

  • First webinar, Jan 24, 2023 09:00 AM (CET)
  • Second webinar, Feb 21, 2023 05:00 PM (CET) 
  • Webinars public with simultaneous translation to Spanish and French 
16 January – 17 March 2023
First public consultation of the FSC-PRO-30-006 V2-0 D1-0 Ecosystem Services Procedure

The first public consultation open between 16 January and 17 March 2023 and will be used to collect stakeholders’ feedback on a series of questions regarding the proposed first draft version of the procedure. FSC encourages all interested stakeholders to participate and provide their feedback during this period. Consultation translated into Spanish and French. 

August 2022

FSC hosted the first face-to-face meeting with the Technical Working Group in Bonn, Germany  (30 August -2 September). 

June 2022

The Technical Working Group for the revision of the Ecosystem Services Procedure has been established. Read the news article here.

19 April to 31 May 2022

Call for applicants for the establishment of the Technical Working Group

12 April 2022

Terms of References approved by the Policy Steering group.

15 March 2022

Board of Directors approves the establishment of a Technical Working Group formed by 3 interest balanced members and 2 to 3 technical experts at its 91st meeting

December 2021

Motion 48/2021 Streamline the Ecosystem Services Procedure, incorporate more services and maximise its potential is supported by the FSC members at the FSC General Assembly


3 December 2021 – 9 January 2022

Review Report recommending a revision of the procedure is consulted

Consultation documents

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Desk Test Documents

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Process documents

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Consultation documents