FSC-PRO-60-002a FSC National Risk Assessment Framework
Note: The document code of FSC Risk Assessment Framework Procedure has been changed to "FSC-PRO-60-006b".
The period of validity of the procedures FSC PRO-60-002 V3-0 and FSC PRO-60-002a V1-0 ended on 31 December 2019. Additionally, during the creation of 60 FSC risk assessments, weaknesses in the procedure and its annex were identified. Moreover, the FSC strategy for FSC Mix products and controlled wood aspires to increase FSC’s impact outside of certification, of which the FSC risk assessments are a major component.
It is important to highlight that during the preparation for the revision of the process requirements for the development and maintenance of Forest Stewardship Standards (FSS) (under a separate revision process), PSU team has further identified the opportunity to merge those process requirements with process requirements for the development and maintenance of CW risk assessments (currently in FSC-PRO-60-002 V3-0). PSU presented the concept and results of a feasibility exercise to the Policy Steering Group (PSG), which supported merger of process requirements for developing and maintaining FSC FSS with FSC-PRO-60-002 V3-0. As a result, starting in 2023, the revision process includes FSC-PRO-60-002 requirements under its scope. For further information about that revision process, please access to the following link
The European Union Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR) entered into force on 29 June 2023. Among the requirements introduced with this new regulation, operators placing on the European market or exporting relevant products, shall carry out risk assessments to establish whether there is a risk that the relevant products are non-compliant. In the context of risk assessments, FSC has decided to align main gaps of risk assessment related requirements with those of EUDR and incorporate them into FSC-PRO-60-006b and FSC-PRO-60-006, in addition to the aspects that are already part of their respective revision scope.
Revision of the Risk Assessment Framework (FSC PRO-60-002a V1-0) in line with the strategy on FSC Mix products, controlled wood and EUDR.
Chamber-balanced Working Group Members:
Economic North - Nina Stephan
Economic South - Dwi Muhtaman
Environmental North - Edgar Rodolfo Juarez Garcia
Environmental North - Christopher Wedeles
Social North - Alan Smith
Social South - Janette Bulkan
Technical Expert Working Group Members:
Michal Zak
Ly Xuan Thu
Fernanda Rodrigues
Revision of Requirements for Development and Maintenance of Locally Adapted FSC Requirements (FSS and CWRAs).
You can stay informed of the developments on this revision process by staying tuned to this process page or by contacting us at: country_requirements@fsc.org
A webinar dedicated to the publication of FSC-PRO-60-006b Risk Assessment Framework will be held on 17 July 2024 (session repeated with simultaneous translation into French and Spanish offered):
- Wednesday, July 17 at 9:00 – 10:30 CET: Register here
- Wednesday, July 17 at 16:00 – 17:30 CET: Register here
Forest Stewardship Council asked for proposals for the review and revision of existing national and centralized risk assessments related to forest products. The objective is to align these assessments with the FSC-PRO-60-006b Risk Assessment Framework and the European Union Deforestation Regulation (REGULATION EU 2023/1115). The project involves reviewing existing assessments, identifying gaps, conducting independent research, engaging stakeholders, and preparing revised drafts for FSC review.
The public consultation of the FSC Regulatory Module is open from 1 February to 1 March 2024.
Webinar on FSC Regulatory Module, systemic changes and FSC Risk Assessments
- Tuesday, 13 February 2024: 9:00 CET
- Monday, 19 February 2024: 16:00 CET
Webinar on FSC Risk Assessments
- Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 9:00 CET
- Tuesday, 20 February 2024, 16:00 CET
Slides from the February 20 webinars can be found here. View a recording from the webinar on youtube here.
Policy Steering Group (PSG), supported the merger of process requirements for developing and maintaining FSC FSS with FSC-PRO-60-002 V3-0, considering both detailed process requirements for local adaptations of international FSC requirements.
Risk Assessment Framework drafts
Here you can find the drafts that have been consulted throughout this process up to date.