How to...?

Take a look at our array of resources to help you navigate our different tools and platforms. We addressed the most common use cases, frequently asked questions and tooltips that will guide you through each step of the process.

certification resources
Consult the user manuals for a variety of our tools. They will help you find yourself around the different platforms, solve common problems and guide you through each step of the process.

Contribute to consultations to make the FSC system more accessible. 


The best way to move forward and improve our system is through collaboration. If you have identified the need for a new normative document, the revision of an old one, have spotted an activity out of the ordinary, or simply want to participate thought the revision and/or investigation process, please reach out to us.  

Contribute Standards
FSC GD / Christian Irrgang
The cycle of creating and revising FSC normative documents begins with identifying the need for a new normative document or the revision of an existing one.     Feedback for ongoing revisions is always welcome. Please look out for consultations on our Consultation Platform. 
FSC is the world’s most trusted sustainable forest management solution. We take our integrity seriously. Since no system is perfect, we take action when a problem is detected or reported.

FSC at a glance


Certification Resources

Take a deep dive into all the different types of certification FSC offers. Find resources to help you navigate the certification process and discover how the certification system works. 

working gear

System Integrity

Being part of FSC means striving for better: not just a green tick, but a shared commitment across all operations to protect forests for future generations. That’s why we take action if anyone connected to FSC is...

FSC Innovation

Innovation for Sustainability

FSC aims to continuously innovate and improve. We're continuously leveraging the power of new technologies to empower forest stakeholders and growing markets to achieve sustainable forest management.