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The Continuous Improvement Procedure offers a flexible way for The Organization managing small or low intensity managed forest (SLIMF) or community forests, within or outside a group, to access FSC forest management certification, by conforming to the applicable FSC standard progressively throughout the first certification cycle comprised of five (5) years or, in case of group members, the first 5 years of the group membership.

FSC-PRO-30-011 V1-1 ES Procedimiento de Mejora Continua.pdf

FSC-PRO-30-011 V1-1 EN Continuous Improvement Procedure.pdf

FSC-PRO-30-011 V1-1 FR Procedure D’Amelioration Continue.pdf

FSC-PRO-30-011 ES PMC Anexo2b Plan de Accion P&C-V4.xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011 ES PMC Anexo2a Plan de Accion P&C-V5.xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011 ES PMC Anexo1 Autoevaluacion de Conformidad.xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011_FR PAC Annexe2b Plan d’action P&C-V4.xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011_FR PAC Annexe2a Plan d’action P&C-V5.xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011_FR PAC Annexe1 Auto évaluation initiale de la conformité.xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011 EN CIP Annex2b Action-Plan P&C-V4.xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011 EN CIP Annex2a Action-Plan P&C-V5 (1).xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011 EN CIP Annex1 Conformity Self-Check (1).xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011 EN CIP Annex2a Action-Plan P&C-V5.xlsx

FSC-PRO-30-011 EN CIP Annex1 Conformity Self-Check.xlsx

FAQ FSC-PRO-30-011_V1-0.pdf